The Number Pi (π)
π (Pi) = 3. 14159 26535
89793 23846...
The Pi (π) Files
Facts and Figures about Pi .
An Example of Why you
should never trust Unverified Values from ANY Internet site .
I've always told students, " You
should use at least three different sources when studying a
particular subject, since you may, 1) have trouble understanding what
one author says at times, or 2) wish to verify some questionable
'facts' presented by someone. But when you're trying to verify the
validity of a number, use as many reliable sources as you can!
1,000 To 1, 250, 000 Decimal Places of π ! A
page for downloading accurate compressed files of π from
The Starman.
These files are 100% accurate: Being
the result of a digital comparison (using "File Compare" programs) on
files assembled from many independent and trustworthy sources
(See the annotated listing of various
sources in the table.)
000 Decimal Places of π
in HTML This
displays all 50,000 digits in 10-digit groups, rather than just the raw digits
(as in the files above).
000 Decimal Places of π
(and MD5 checksum) . This
text file displays all 100,000 digits (plus the next 50 after that!) in
10-digit groups (50 digits per line) and 1000-digit blocks which are titled every
10,000 digits and separated every 5,000 digits so it's easy to find a particular
digit if necessary!
( MD5 checksum of the file above is: cbd5ecc549d5d80bb8d024d8aa9b9687 ).
If you're using Linux/*nix, download from the link above which uses
Unix-style (only 0Ah) returns. If you're using a PC with MS-DOS
or Windows (uses 0Dh + 0Ah returns) download this ZIP
archive of the text file:
( MD5 checksum included ).
Calculate Millions of Digits
of Pi on Your Own Computer !
From an easy Windows 95 program
to the latest FFT open source code program that will run on almost any system!
"Randomness" of π. Includes
distribution GRAPHS of the digits and a discussion about searching for things
meaningful in π. ( There's also a page linked to this one which describes how
to calculate CHI-SQUARE for each sample distribution of π.)

Read The
Randomness of Pi for more about the curious digit strings (such
as the
"999999" or "360" in the pic above) that have been
found in Pi.
To contact me, use my:
page here. (©2001,
2003 by Daniel B. Sedory)
Starman's Math Index